
We’re here for you

Helping you take control of your health and wellbeing is our priority. navigate through our range of services to take charge of your happiness in various sections

Counselling and therapy

Providing person-centered, rights-based and solution-focused Therapy services to the community.

Individual and group

we offer objective, non-judgmental guides to assist you in overcoming both long-standing and immediate problems. We strive to help you develop new skills and perspectives which enrich lives as whole.


Now with our premarital counseling you don't need a crystal ball to predict your future marital happiness. Before your vows, know your strengths and weaknesses as a couple. All couples have challenges, but how you manage them really matters. connect with us now for an extraordinary turnaround.

Marriage and family

It is common to experience various issues with your partner such as a lack of freshness in a long-term, giving time to each other, long-distance relationship.we can help you deal with this and improve the quality of your relationship.


Having the ability and opportunity to open up and talk to someone you can trust who offers support and positive solutions and resources is one of the most healing experiences your children and teens can experience. In fact, it’s incredibly beneficial for all youths to have, as well.

face-to-face and online sessions

At your appointment, you'll be encouraged to talk about your feelings and emotions with a trained therapist, who'll listen and support you without judging or criticising via Online sessions or faceto face

Affordable Care

Transformational Change

Collaborative Growth

Community Support


What Our Clients Say

Pillared by a team of professsional Therapists, The Listening Companion` offers a comprehensive range of affordable counseling services to bring you the happiness you deserve.

"Ms. Wilson was my high school counselor. She helped me through some difficult times and hurdles in my life and was always supportive and encouraging. Ms. Wilson always guided me to better decision and helped me be more self-aware of my behavior and actions. I would highly recommend her services to anyone as she is compassionate, caring and result oriented."
J. E. Brooks
"Mrs. Lisa Wilson- Gittens displays attitudes and values that are admirable and contribute to the exceptional counselor she is. She is confidential and very thorough with her counseling services. I benefited from her counseling services which helped me to identify and reevaluate irrational thoughts that made me a victim of the shortcomings of others.Her care and genuine concern for my growth and success was evident. Once I identified the problem through her counsel I was able to start the journey to breakthrough - being a victor and no more a victim. I, therefore, unreservedly recommend her counseling services because they are life-changing indeed."
C. B. Reynolds
"I met Lisa during my studies and I am convinced that it was for an eternal reason. When I was going through a rough patch and needed someone to help and listen and to guide me as to what to do as it relates to my studies, Lisa was phenomenal from the first meeting. She would always be attentive, never judgmental and helped me with coping strategies to get me through such a difficult time. Looking back on it now I do not know how I would have got to where I am now without her support and so I would recommend Lisa to anyone in a similar position."
C. Beason

Frequently Asked Question

Find some of your essential questions answered on our faq section below.

Oh, we’re just ordinary people who love what we do! You’re really the focus here; we’re just coming alongside you. And when that happens, you’ll find us working hard, thinking about you in between sessions, prepping for sessions, remembering details about you, and laughing with you. And, as much as we can help it, we also schedule sessions with time in between to give us time to regroup and reflect on your case. This also protects your confidentiality so you’re not running into our other clients. 

The only way to know for sure is to come in for a session. Most people have a good sense of whether we are the right professional to help them within the first two sessions. However, having tried to provide you with information on this website, The Listening Companion, reading our entries over the pages will give you a sense of who we are and how we work.

At The Listening Companion, we follow the professional and legal procedure. This means that information about your counselling sessions or what is discussed in the session is not shared with anyone without expressed written permission. There are some exceptions to confidentiality. If there is the possibility of harm to the client or another person, or in cases of child or elder abuse, TLC staff are mandated to report certain information to the appropriate authorities. Your counsellor/therapist will review confidentiality with you at the outset of treatment and answer any questions you may have.

You don’t have to do anything! But if you want to make meaningful changes to your life and relationships, the length of treatment is based on your needs and what you want counseling to help with. We’ve had clients who have come for a few sessions, followed through with recommendations in between sessions, and felt better and moved on. We’ve also had clients come back into treatment as needed, or stay on to work on more complex issues. While it’s hard to predict how long therapy will take, we promise we won’t keep you for longer than needed.

Since the health crisis, we’ve made our online counseling program more robust. In addition to the flexibility of meeting online due to recovery from surgery or running late to an appointment, we’ve also made special sessions available to new and existing clients who want to meet remotely.

Our Telehealth functionality uses WebRTC technology that is built into modern web browsers.

This is a framework that allows browsers to securely send and receive live data to each other. We have designed our Telehealth system so that in nearly all circumstances data does not pass through any third-party servers.

We’re here to help you get happier NOW!

Your therapist is ready to start the journey with you today. So what are you waiting for?